Louka Parry is the CEO and founder of The Learning Future, an organisation that supports schools, systems and companies to thrive in tomorrow’s world. A former teacher, he became a school principal at only 27 years old and was named Inspirational Public Secondary Teacher of the Year for South Australia. He has spent the last five years training thousands of educators and leaders globally to increase their positive impact. He holds two Masters degrees, speaks five languages and is committed to equipping individuals, schools and organisations for the future of society through a focus on social, emotional and academic learning. He sits on the Executive Committee for Karanga, the Global Alliance for SEL and Life Skills, supporting policy makers and practitioners from across the world to promote quality and equitable Social Emotional Learning and Life Skills through initiatives that connect, coordinate, and drive action.

Louka Parry
Louka Parry is the CEO and founder of The Learning Future, an organisation that supports schools, systems and companies to thrive in tomorrow’s world. A former teacher, he became a school principal at only 27 years old and was named Inspirational Public Secondary Teacher of the Year for South Australia. He has spent the last five years training thousands of educators and leaders globally to increase their positive impact. He holds two Masters degrees, speaks five languages and is committed to equipping individuals, schools and organisations for the future of society through a focus on social, emotional and academic learning. He sits on the Executive Committee for Karanga, the Global Alliance for SEL and Life Skills, supporting policy makers and practitioners from across the world to promote quality and equitable Social Emotional Learning and Life Skills through initiatives that connect, coordinate, and drive action.